Build Momentum in Uncertain Times

As we continue to face a range of global challenges, it is easy to feel a loss of control, and with that, a slump in momentum. Now, more than ever is a perfect time to zig when the masses are zagging and get a head start on building opportunities for your role, career, and brand.  

How to get zigging?

I always default to one powerful question – What is in my control? 

What can you do today to move one step forward? Often it only takes accomplishing one feat to get the ball rolling. Write your to-do list, then highlight the quickest and easiest ones to tackle, and action one. You can be buoyant, display grit and resilience, and in doing so, create a significant impact on your brand.

Resilience building to avoid zagging 

To feel energized and capable, you must first feel grounded in yourself and connected to what makes you happy. Nourishing your Core Values is the quickest way to do this. When you are feeling depleted, it is tough to represent yourself with impact or deal with challenging situations. Identifying depletion and what is in your control to ignite strength helps build resilience. Download my Values Workbook and start building greater resilience today.

Ways to Power Up

  • Mental Power
    • Monitoring amount of social media time
    • Making time for mindfulness or meditation to quiet the mind and refocus (App: Headspace)
    • Write a daily gratitude list to balance perspective
  • Emotional Power
    • Journal write daily and give your emotions a place to feel heard
    • Talk to your inner circle about how you are feeling
    • Reframe any negative thoughts to focus on what is positive and the positive possibilities
  • Physical Power
    • Get moving every day – 7 minutes of burpees alone is an excellent heart-starter!
    • Eat well, nourish the body for ultimate health
    • Get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep

Build your momentum today and take action that builds the success you want.


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